Institutional PROGRAMS
We offer instructional programs to all nature of organizations (businesses, hospitals, senior centers, mental health facilities, prisons, community centers, schools, youth action organizations, etc).
Program content ranges from current workshop series material to customized integrative trainings. Each program is designed to introduce the fundamental elements of sound healing in a series of simple practices to volunteers, staff, students, and/or clients. These programs enable participants to actively explore creative expression, empower self-care, strengthen team-building, and to emphasize holistic well-being.

VJSC has provided programming for the following organizations:
Columbia University:
Sexual Violence Response
Community Healthcare Network:
Catherine M. Abate Wellness Program
Polaris Project, Empower Gyn,
Girls Educational & Mentoring Services (GEMS), Covenant House, & Womankind
via Crossing Point Arts
Virginia Music Educators Association (VMEA)
Vox Mundi School of the Voice
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
Please contact us to inquire about establishing a program for your organization & we will be in touch to explore the options that best suit your needs.